The hair keeps our head warm and provide cushion to our skull. Hair has different roles in our body. Hair in our eyes known as eyelashes protect our eyes from dirt and foreign particles. Our eyebrows protect our eyes from sweat when it drips. Hair in the underarm warms the armpit to inhibit bacterial growth. In general, hair is very important to our well-being.

As for women, hair is an essential part of the body as it enhances beauty appearance. Having different hairstyles can boost someone’s confidence. Sometimes it makes someone standout from the crowd. Our hair has keratin which maintains its smoothness and strenght.

How should we took care of our hair? Washing your hair alone can make your hair dry and dull. Using shampoo and conditioner can make our hair smooth and vibrant. There’s a lot of affordable yet best shampoo and conditioners out there in the market.

If you’re out of budget but you want to maintain your healthy hair, using coconut oil in your hair is a best choice. Coconut oil has several benefits for the hair and scalp. It repairs damaged hair, moisturizes the scalp, and prevent the existence of dandruff. After washing your hair, leave the coconut oil on it for about 20-30 minutes. If you have dry hair, let it sit for more minutes.

Aside from coconut oil, you can also use aloe vera in your hair. Aloe vera is a plant which contains vitamin A, C, and E. It promotes healthy cell growth for the hair that leads to shiny hair. In using aloe vera, you need to apply the raw aloe vera gel in your hair and in the scalp. You can leave it overnight in your hair.

Nowadays, you can enhance your hair’s beauty by visiting salon and received some great hair treatment.